As President and CEO of the Japan Racing Association, Masayuki Goto (pictured below) is one of the most influential racing figures in the world, and a man whose views should carry significant weight for everyone in the industry.
Who do you think is the most important figure in the history of racing around the world?
“For me, the most important figures in the history of racing around the world are those who found and imported horses known as the Three Foundation Stallions to Britain - Captain Robert Byerley for the Byerley Turk, Thomas Darley for the Darley Arabian and Edward Coke for the Godolphin Arabian. I quote these figures because they have significant impact and influence of the Thoroughbred breed.”
What is your favorite race and venue?
“I would say my favorite race is the Tokyo Yushun [Japanese Derby - see video below of last year’s race], while my favorite racecourse is Tokyo.”
What is your fondest memory in racing?
“Racing is my business. I am fully committed to it, so it is difficult for me to mention any particular memory from my past experiences in racing at this moment. I am sincerely hoping I would be blessed to be able to quote several fond memories after my retirement.”
What do you see as the biggest problem racing faces today?
“In the current situation, where we have come to have high volumes of interactive exchanges among countries in many aspects of racing operations, I think it is the most important thing for each racing operator or jurisdiction to treat racing fans with great care, transparency and full responsibilities.
“Particularly, we need to introduce unified medication rules throughout the world. I personally feel the biggest challenge we are currently facing is the standardization of the rules of racing across the globe.”
If you could change one thing in racing, what would it be?
“If I could change one thing, I would like to make it possible for members of each racing operator or jurisdiction to bet on their own races. I would like to do so as I think it is very important for them to understand the feeling of our customers. Having said that, I fully recognize that, realistically speaking, it is not right thing to do in terms of maintaining the integrity of racing.”